Dor Hadash Congregation is committed to being accessible and inclusive so that all feel welcome and are able to participate. Here are some of the accommodations we offer:
The Rodef Shalom building where we meet is wheelchair accessible with exterior automatic door openers, and an inside elevator.
We only meet in buildings that are wheelchair accessible where there are wheelchair accessible bathrooms.
We only use bimahs that a wheelchair user can access, otherwise we use part of the floor that is at the same level as the rest of the congregation.
The Rodef Shalom building where we usually meet is on or near multiple Pittsburgh Regional Transit bus lines.
The Rodef Shalom parking lot has a number of designated accessible parking spots.
Services & Programming
All of our congregational events are hybrid, with Zoom attendees being able to participate in our services, including leading services.
All of our events have automated closed captions on Zoom. Our High Holiday services are closed captioned by a human on Zoom.
We have a mask-only section at our services so that immunocompromised people are safer attending in person.
Masks are available for attendees who forget to bring their own.
Large print Siddurim are available on the book cart.
We have a “Torah-nator”- a modified rollator to permit congregants to have the honor of processing with the Torah scroll without carrying it.